The Borno State Appeal is an appellate court session. In the excersie of the powers conferred by section 67 of the High Court Law (Cap.63) upon the Chief Judge. The Chief Judge hereby directs as follows:
Pursuant to the provision of Section 66 of the High Court Law (Cap.63), the High Court of Borno State shall be in session daily throughout the year for the hearing and determination of all cases (whether civil or crimal), at the first instance, in exercise of its original jurisdiction, save, the vacation periods.
Subject to any directives by the Honorable Chief Judge to the contrary, the Courts shall be open through out the year except on Sundays, public holidays and vacations, for the transaction of general legal business pending therein. Session will be held in all judicial divisions for the hearing for Ciriminal or Civil matters pending therein, on dates as may be notified to the parties to the proceedings.